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How to keep Mail Relay emails out of your spam folder


In the world of email, there’s a never ending fight between spammers and email providers. With spammer getting more and more sophisticated, email providers have become way more aggressive in fighting spam. Often, it’s possible for email providers to mistakenly mark legitimate emails as spam.

In order for our emails to get successfully delivered to your inbox, we take a long list of measures to keep a good reputation for our servers. This unfortunately is not always enough to ensure emails always go to your inbox.

That said, You can take steps on your side to ensure emails get delivered to your inbox:

  1. Sign in to your email provider’s website.
  2. Go to email settings.
  3. Add the “” domain as a legitimate or trusted sender.

The settings might differ from one provider to another. If you’re having difficulies please refer to our Community site for help.